Emails Saying Your Antivirus Is Expired Are Likely A Scam
A great many companies selling antivirus software have affiliate programs that help them expand their reach. Each time an affiliate sells a copy of the software, they get a cut. It's a ...
A great many companies selling antivirus software have affiliate programs that help them expand their reach. Each time an affiliate sells a copy of the software, they get a cut. It's a ...
Are you one of the million-plus website owners making use of Ninja Forms for WordPress? If so, be aware that the company has recently patched a serious security flaw that allowed hackers ...
If you use Twitter on a regular basis, then you probably saw the official tweet from the company. Effective immediately, they've shut down the functionality that allowed users to tweet via SMS, ...
Microsoft is working hard to improve its Edge browser, and the latest beta build (Dev version 84.0.495.2) has a lot to be excited about. Most of the benefits are aimed at security ...
According to Microsoft, its machine learning threat detection models have helped its research teams uncover multiple mal-spam campaigns. These campaigns have been tied together by the common theme of incorporating poisoned disk ...
Are you working from home right now? If so, you're certainly not alone. Tens of millions of people are doing the same, and there are untold millions around the world doing likewise. ...
If you're like a lot of people stuck at home during the pandemic, you probably ran out of Netflix titles to watch a couple of weeks ago. As a result, researchers have ...
If you're like a lot of people, right now, you're doing what work you can from home. If that's the case, you've probably noticed that your home WiFi network is struggling. The ...
Just about everyone in the country has been negatively impacted by the pandemic. That is why the government is sending relief via the Payment Protection Program, the stimulus program, and other programs. ...
Microsoft recently re-reinvented its web browser. After finally giving up on bug-plagued Internet Explorer, the company introduced Microsoft Edge, which it hoped would take the internet community by storm. When that didn't ...